November 22, 2009


Liddy & Jeremiah hang out for the first time!
The happy grandparents!

Just got a bath and got his hair spiked by mommy!
Our snuggly little baby boy

Jhan, Raychel, & Jeremiah Gear!

Oh the many details...Well, on my due date, I started going into labor right after Jhan left for work. We called the doctor, and they told us to go in. After being there for a few hours, they said that I wasn't dilated enough, and sent us home, and I cried...of course. We went back in the next day, and I was dilated to a 3 and they sent us home again! Dang it! They said that I shouldn't come back until the contractions are 3-5 minutes or until I can't handle it anymore. Well, I labored until almost 11pm that night and we called the doctor because my contractions were so intense that I couldn't do it anymore. We went BACK to the hospital and I labored there on my own, tears and everything, thank God for Jhan, he was amazing! I labored until I was a 6 and they gave me an epidural and I slept through some major contractions for about 3-4 hours. When I woke up I started having "pressure" getting ready to give birth, and the nurse said I could start pushing. Of course, right before I was going to push, Jhan slept the whole time, and I tried to wake him up but he didn't, so he woke up when she said "are you ready to push". He was like why didn't you wake me up? I said, honey I tried! Anyways....I pushed for about 40 minutes and then he was here! The doctors kept saying I did such a good job. it was hard, but so good!

Well, to conclude this story, Jhan was an amazing husband through the whole thing, and we now have a precious little son! We are so excited to raise him in God’s presence and do our best to teach him about God!

Thank-you all for your prayers! May God bless you! Keep checking this web site, because we update it quite often.

November 16, 2009

Our Precious Son: Jeremiah Michael Gear

Hello Family & Friends...we just wanted to give you a quick update! Yes, Jeremiah is finally here! We are so excited and so blessed, but so overwhelmed with God's blessings! God is so good.
After laboring for 3 days, God brought Jeremiah here safely. He is such a joy, and we look forward to sharing God with him and raising him in God's Presence. Jeremiah came on the morning of November 14th, 2009 (two days after his due date). He is happy and healthy, and is very cute (okay, handsome).
Thank-you all for your prayers throughout the pregnancy and birth. Enjoy the few pictures we posted. We will get newer ones up soon. Love you all!!!

Jhan, Raychel, & baby Jeremiah!

About Jhan & Raychel

My photo
Wheatfield, Indiana, United States
We are a very happily married couple and are very involved in youth ministry and are loving it. We live in Wheatfield, Indiana We are expecting our first son on November 12th, 2009 and are so excited to meet him! Currently we are working, staying busy in Youth Ministry, serving wherever God has us, and are absolutely loving being married to each other! We just moved into our first house and are loving it! It is such a blessing to have so much room. Our youth kids are amazing, and we love each and every one of them as if they were our own! Each teen has such a unique character, and we love how fun it is to hang out with them! God is so good, and has brought new teens to our youth group within the last few months. Within those last months, our youth group has tripled! We are loving where God has us now, and are excited to see more of what He wants us to do in the near future.